Aim the king 妖界 in the fellow quirky monster!
登録不要!「基本プレイ無料(一部有料)」でサクサク遊べちゃう妖怪育成カードゲームが登場!個性豊かな妖怪たちを引き連れて、自分だけのオリジナル百鬼夜行で妖界王を目指せ!可愛い妖怪からおどろおどろしい妖怪まで!『あやかし百鬼夜行 魂 ~妖界王伝記~』は登録不要、無料で遊べる今話題のソーシャルゲーム!【あやかし百鬼夜行 魂とは?】◆ものがたり幼い(?)狐の妖怪・尾光(おこう)との出会いをきっかけに、主人公は立派な百鬼夜行を作るための旅に出た。旅先で起こる数々の事件と、そこで出会う個性豊かな妖怪達。お供となった妖怪を率いて最強の百鬼夜行を作り、妖界王を目指せ!夢と浪漫あふれる妖界王伝記、此処に開幕!!【ゲームの遊び方】①イベントやガチャで妖怪カードをGET!②妖怪の世界を冒険し、出会った妖怪を百鬼夜行の仲間にしよう!③妖怪を進化させて最強の妖怪へと育成していこう!④行く手を阻む極悪妖怪を倒し、妖界王の道を突き進め!【あやかし百鬼夜行 魂のココがすごい!】◆ゲーム初心者でも問題なし!人気のカードゲームがタッチするだけの簡単操作で遊べます。◆妖怪好きさん必見!有名どころの妖怪から地域密着型の妖怪まで、さまざまな妖怪たちが彩り豊かなカードになって登場。もちろんカードには妖怪の説明もしっかり書かれているから、どんどん妖怪に詳しくなれちゃいます!◆個性豊かな妖怪の物語(妖怪だけど)人情味溢れる妖怪たちが織り成す、浪漫あふれる和風妖怪ファンタジー。萌える猫耳、イケメン天狗、古典的なド迫力妖怪…個性豊かな妖怪が登場します。陰陽師や幽霊(お化け・もののけ)、怖い話・怪談に興味がある人にもオススメのストーリーです。◆成長を遂げる妖怪たち百鬼夜行のお供となった妖怪を育成!最初は幼く弱そうな妖怪も、成長すれば立派な妖怪に大変身…!?◆いつも新鮮!多彩なイベント!仲間と協力して強大な敵を打ち倒したり、読み応えたっぷりの期間限定シナリオに挑んだり…一瞬たりとも見逃せない、さまざまなイベントを開催しています!◆熱い死闘、百鬼夜行大戦!!他プレイヤーとの熱いバトル(対戦)も楽しめます!---------------------------------今すぐダウンロードして、あなただけの百鬼夜行を作ろう!本格和風RPG!長い冒険へ出発だ!Registration required! "Basic free-to-play (some paid)" specter training card game that would play crisp in appeared!By pulling in quirky monsters us, Aim the 妖界 King in the original pandemonium of your own!Until it thrusts specter from cute monster!"Ayakashi pandemonium soul-妖界 King biography -" is a registered unnecessary, now the topic of social games to play for free![And Ayakashi pandemonium soul? ]◆ StoryTo young (?) The wake of the meeting of the fox of monster-tail light (Oko), the hero went out on a journey to make a respectable pandemonium.And a number of incidents that occur on the road, where encounters quirky youkai.Make the strongest of pandemonium led the monster became a companion, Aim the king 妖界!Dreams and romance full of 妖界 King biography, opening here! ![How to play the game]① GET a monster card in the event and Gacha!② adventure in the world of monsters, trying to met specter fellow pandemonium!③ evolved a specter Lets cultivate to the strongest of the monsters!④ defeat the villainous monster that hinder the way, Tsukisusume the road of King 妖界![Ayakashi pandemonium soul of here is amazing! ]◆ Nashi is also a problem in the game for beginners!Popular card game will play in the simple operation of the touch.◆ specter person who likes a must-see!From the famous far from the monster until the specter of community-based, it appeared in the rich card various monsters we colors.Because of course the card is written firmly also the description of the monster, we are accustomed more and more in detail in the monster!Story of ◆ rich individuality specter(Im specter) kindness full of monsters we weave, romance full of Japanese monster fantasy.Moe cat ears, Twink Tengu, classic de force monster ... quirky monster appeared.Yin nurses and ghosts (ghost-Mononoke), we recommend the story to people who are interested in scary stories, ghost story.◆ specter who achieve a growthFoster the specter that became a companion of pandemonium!Also first young and weak likely specter, transformed into a respectable monster if growth ...! ?◆ always fresh! A variety of events!Or overthrew the mighty enemy in cooperation with the fellow, Dari challenged to rewarding plenty of time-limited scenario ...Do not miss even for an instant, has held a variety of events!◆ hot Fight, pandemonium War! !Hot battle with other players (play) You can also enjoy!---------------------------------Download now, trying to make you just pandemonium!Authentic Japanese style RPG! I am starting to long adventure!・軽微な不具合の修正
Deep in magic world
The graphic is beautiful and the story is prety good
Very cute and easy to play <3 but it'll be more wonderful if there's an English version T v T I want to understand the game, not just playing
ストーリー的にも面白いし カードの絵もいい! madeinryuseiで招待入力してください いまなら両者とも いいものがもらえるので お願いします
I love this game, this is adorable, many cool event and cute cards. I don't know why but these day, it usually drop :( I can't stay in the game more than 1 minute :(